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Book Review - Maureen Fry and The Angel of The North By Rachel Joyce

  Maureen Fry and The Angel of The North By Rachel Joyce My Rating ★★★★★ Goodreads: 3.96/5 Genre: Women’s Literary Fiction Maureen Fry and The Angel of The North was first published in 2022.  The finale to a moving trilogy.     Synopsis Ten years ago, Harold Fry set off on his epic journey on foot to save a friend. But the story doesn't end there. Now his wife, Maureen, has her own pilgrimage to make. Maureen Fry has settled into the quiet life she now shares with her husband Harold after his iconic walk across England. Now, ten years later, an unexpected message from the North disturbs her equilibrium again, and this time it is Maureen's turn to make her own journey. But Maureen is not like Harold. She struggles to bond with strangers, and the landscape she crosses has changed radically. She has little sense of what she'll find at the end of the road. All she knows is that she must get there.   My Review I was gifted this book for Christmas and having

Author Interview with Josie Bonham

Welcome to my first Author interview. We are kicking things off today with Josie Bonham. Hopefully we are going to find out a bit more behind the author and her debut novel A Good Match for The Major


So to get to know my guests better, I thought it would be fun to get them to pick a venue for where this interview could take place, they can pick anywhere they like, it could be somewhere special, a favourite place or somewhere they have always wanted to go. 
Where is the venue today Josie, do I need to bring anything along with me?

Picture provided by wikipedia - RSPB Bowling Green Marsh Topsham
We usually have a trip to Devon every year and catch up with my husband's cousin and her family. Sadly, May's trip had to go! Do you know Topsham Bay? We aren't true twitchers but we are in the RSPB and do like an occasional bird watching hour or two. Every time we visit Devon we try and make time for a day out in the Topsham Bay area. We park in Dart's Farm and take the path to the RSPB bird hide for water birds. Why not join us? It's a lovely walk down a country lane with hardly anyone about. We wear walking shoes, fish out the binoculars and take waterproofs if the weather is iffy. You often see more birds if it's raining. If we are lucky there will be an expert or two in the hide who will point out anything unusual about. When we've watched the birds for an hour or so we'll find the path that runs along the sea wall and walk into Topsham itself. After a cup of tea or coffee in one of the inns it's back to Darts Farm. We change into ordinary shoes and hit the cafe. There they do fabulous scones with cream and jam and plenty of light luncheon options. After a rest we wander around the shops. I love the RSPB shop but there are quite a few others and a fabulous food market type shop. In fact, it just needs a bookshop to make it a perfect holiday shopping destination!

I love this idea, I'm from Devon so I'm used to the rain.....but don't remember ever stopping in Topsham itself, normally drive straight through. I've sat drinking tea a bit further up the Topsham Road at a friend’s which, overlooked the River Exe and seen some wonderful wildlife there but was unaware that there was a walk from Darts farm, I will have to take my husband and investigate. I definitely agree that is all that is missing, a book shop, would be a welcome addition.

For anyone that has not come across A Good Match for The Majorit’s historical Fiction set in the regency period,  a wonderful, light-hearted read, with two complex main characters that just keep you gripped. The cover was produced and designed by Lisa Firth (Alias Mary Jayne Baker) of Oliphant Author Services. A Good Match For The Major is available as an ebook and in paperback.

So lets find out a bit more about it. How long did it take to write A Good Match for The Major>?

I can’t remember exactly how long the first draft took, as I usually have at least two projects on the go, probably about three months on and off. Then there was the editing process. In the meantime, it was submitted to the Romantic Novelists New Writers scheme and was revised. There was also editing time. I entered A Good Match For The Major in the 2019 Sheila Contest in America and it made the final of the historical romance section.

Wow! The final - that's brilliant! I bet you were pleased. 
What made you decide to write a series rather than a stand-alone book?
I wrote a story set in 1806 about Max Lovell, The Marquess of Hargreaves, at the end of 2017. Then it occurred to me that Max’s sister, Eliza, and her husband, Nat, were an interesting couple. I decided to make it a series of stand-alone novels, linked by character and start with them.

Max's character intrigued me; would you consider publishing Max Lovell's story? 
Max Lovell's story will be appearing as book three in the series as 'The Marquess's Christmas Runaway'

How exciting, that's a little teaser of what’s to come! I was already looking forward to the second book of the series but now you've got me looking forward to the third book as well!
As we are talking about characters, do any of your characters reflect yourself or anyone else that you know?
None of my characters ever knowingly do that, but it’s inevitable that they will be coloured by my experiences, sometime literally. I realised when I completed my first manuscript back in 2016 that the hero’s eye colour exactly matched that of my husband.

What is it that attracts you to write about the regency era?
Partly nurture, I grew up on Georgette Heyer and Jane Austen, and partly the sheer elegance of that era. The simple lines of the gowns and the swoon worthy clothes the men wore. I’m fascinated by the effort they put in to tie their cravats.

Me too – love the elegance of regency clothing, but wonder if the ladies found it hard-work with the corsets and long dresses, think I will stick to my jeans!

Seeing as your attracted to the historical romance/regency period do you read this genre or  other genres?
I do read historical romance, but I also read crime, mostly cozy and both contemporary and historical and contemporary romcoms.

Do you have any favourite authors from those genres?
I love Evie Dunmore’s debut novel, Bringing Down the Duke in historical romance. In crime my favourites include C J Sansome and Alice Castle and Kate Ellis in contemporary crime.

I've not come across those authors - will have to look out for them. That’s just made my find and read list even longer…
So other than writing and reading what else do you do in your spare time?
At the moment daily walks and a spot of gardening. Normally I would also play chess and enjoy meals out. 
Picture provided by Wikipedia

Lock-down has been challenging for everyone. Reading has kept me entertained and I’ve definitely read slightly more than usual. What are you currently reading, are you enjoying it?
I’m reading one of Alice Castle’s Dulwich mystery series, which are always enjoyable.

Now just for a bit of fun, if you had to pick one what would?

Book / ebook - Definitely book for preference

Hardback / paperback – Paperback as long as the print isn’t too small.

Bath / Shower - Nothing better than a morning shower to wake me up.

Morning person / Night owl - I’m a bit of a night owl but probably not far off neutral.

City / Country - A tough one this. I prefer a decent sized town near to countryside. I’m not sure which I would pick if it had to be city or country. Probably country.

Tea / Coffee – This is an easy one! It has to be tea. A nice Earl Grey with a slice of lemon is a favourite of mine.

Josie Bonham
 A little bit from the Author

 The photo was taken by my husband in nearby woods   during lock-down. I haven't been able to get a   professional author photo done yet.

 I live in the English midlands, surrounded by towns   full of history such as, Stratford-Upon- Avon,   Warwick, Evesham and Worcester. Which is perhaps   why my favourite reads are historical. Out of all the   periods to choose from the Regency Era stirs my   imagination the most. The true Regency lasted from   1811 until 1820 but dates as wide as 1789 to 1837 have   been included in the extended Regency period. For me   the true flavour of this period emerges after the iniquitous hair powder tax of 1795, unsurprisingly, scuppered the fashion for powdered hair almost overnight. I have always dabbled in stories but it took the combined efforts of my sister and eldest niece to set me on the path to writing novels. My Regency romances, with a dash of adventure and intrigue, are the result.

To find more info see my website or find me on facebook

Thank you for taking the time to chat to me today, I was slightly nervous as this is my first author interview but you have made it an absolute pleasure and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I was already looking forward to the next book in the series but this chat today has just stirred that excitement even more. Please keep me posted on its release.

Thank you for having me as your guest. It’s been a pleasure.

Josie Bonham x


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